Saturday, June 26, 2010

Starting the Process

Angie and I started the moving process which consists of going through everything we both own and deciding what to give to friends, to sell, to store, and most ship overseas to Saudi Arabia. On Tuesday of last week, we emptied the storage unit and moved it all into our apartment garage. Our plan is to sift through it all, reorganize, and start to make decisions on what goes where. As of today (Saturday), we have accomplished quite a bit. A lot of things are set aside for friends and others who could use things we just simply no longer need. A large amount made it to Goodwill. We have labeled boxes "SEA" and "AIR" as someone will stop by next Friday to do the survey for our shipment. ARAMCO provides the shipping allowance and will take care of it all. We have a 10,000 pound weight limit for our SEA freight and a 400 pound limit for our AIR freight. Angie and I both get an AIR freight box which they suggest for clothes, certain appliances, etc... Half of Angie's closet will consume hers lickety-split :) I can throw my entire closet into 2 large suitcases, so I will be using my AIR freight for school stuff I want over there soon. I am fairly certain some of Angie's belongings will find their way into mine. The SEA freight arrives approximately 3 months after departure and our AIR freight will arrive 3-4 weeks after our departure. The pic above in our garage is before we began this super-duper fun process and consists mostly of school stuff (minus the washer/dryer set)...I know, right??

Thanks for reading...more later. -JA

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